Hyderabad: CPM politburo member Prakash Karat said that Hindutva and corporates were the two pillars of the BJP on which it was relying for survival. These two forces could be fought off by mass movements opposing liberalisation, social oppression and caste discrimination, Karat said at the party’s four state conference here on Sunday.
“There is no mellowing down in the Hindutva agenda of the BJP though it got 63 seats less and is relying on allies to remain in power. The party is giving scant regard to democracy and federal values in the Constitution,” Karat said.
He said that there was a sea change in the international situation in the last three years. Even as conservative parties were ruling the roost in several countries, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico had seen leftist forces come to power.
He said the Modi government’s policy of “succumbing to America’s foreign policy” was serving US interests.
Those who participated include leaders like G. Nagaiah, Potineni Sudarshan, T. Jyothi, John Wesley and Md Abbas.