Tamil Nadu chief minister M.K. Stalin on Sunday did not take part in the traditional ‘At Home,’ reception hosted by Governor R N Ravi on the occasion of Republic Day and he visited Madurai to participate in events to felicitate him for getting the Centre’s tungsten mining initiative cancelled.
While the Chief Minister and his Cabinet colleagues did not take part in the function, ruling DMK’s allies including the Congress party had already said they would boycott the event.
In the function held at Raj Bhavan, AIADMK leader D Jayakumar, BJP Tamil Nadu chief K Annamalai, senior leader Tamilisai Soundararajan, DMDK leaders LK Sudish, B Parthasarathy, Puthiya Tamizhagam founder leader K Krishnasamy and Tamil Maanila Congress top leader G K Vaasan took part.
Chief Minister Stalin and his cabinet colleagues had attended the ‘At Home’ reception on the occasion of Independence Day in 2024.
Governor Ravi, who has been critical of the DMK regime over several issues and policy matters, had in his address on the Republic Day eve had targeted the Stalin-led government. Ravi had alleged that many state-run universities in Tamil Nadu were in a dire financial crisis.
In Madurai, CM Stalin, recalling his assurance that tungsten mining would not be allowed till such time he remained in office, said the village elders visited him in Chennai and invited him for the felicitation function.
However, the CM said rather than praising him, it is the people who should be greeted, thanked and felicitated. “We have got victory,” he said adding his government would always stand behind the people. The union government days ago announced its decision to annul the auctioning.
In a post on ‘x,’ Governor Ravi said: “My profound regards and heartfelt thanks to the people of Tamil Nadu for their effusive participation in the traditional Republic Day At Home at the Raj Bhavan Chennai today.”
Further, Ravi said “several thousand brothers, sisters and elders from among farmers, fishermen, Dalits, weavers, tribals, artisans, entrepreneurs, industrialists, Women Self-Help Groups, differently abled people, transgenders, spiritual leaders and social workers along with students and teachers enthusiastically joined the national celebration. Felt immensely energised by their love for the nation and humbled and blessed by their affection for me.”
Cultural programmes were held at Raj Bhavan here on the occasion of the traditional reception and Ravi presented the ‘Governor’s Award -2024’ to 6 awardees for their outstanding services to the nation under the categories of social service and environment protection.